As small business owners, we pour our hearts and souls into our business, often spending countless hours dedicated to our passion, and it can be difficult balancing business and joy. Business can become all-consuming, leading to tunnel vision and burnout, where we forget about other things that once brought us joy and balance. While being deeply involved in your business isn’t always a bad thing, it’s essential to maintain a healthy balance. Let’s talk about two of them here.
Surround Yourself with a Support Network
Having a network of people to share your business challenges and observations with is crucial for balancing business and joy. Whether it’s your spouse, fellow business owners, or professionals like your bookkeeper or accountant, these interactions provide fresh perspectives.
My husband Jason, is often my first go-to person when I just want to vent. But like a typical husband, he often hears my challenges or obstacles and wants to solve them. But I just want to talk it out. So these conversations usually start with him asking, “Babe, are you looking for a solution, or just looking to vent.” With him, it’s typically just to vent. Talking to a spouse or partner about your business challenges can provide emotional relief. Sometimes, you just need to vent to someone who listens and empathises. This can help reduce stress and give you a sense of shared burden.
I have a group of business owners I meet with every month where we discuss different challenges we’re facing in our business. This is where I get the majority of my solutions. And it’s not somebody giving me the answer. It’s through conversation with business owners just like me that I gain insights that may shift my perspective, or expose me to a different way of doing things, and open up opportunities that I hadn’t considered.
We have regular conversations with our clients – often we’re just doing a pulse check, other times we’re there to guide, support and help solve a problem. We don’t typically solve the problem, the clients do that themselves by being open to conversation and different perspectives. We love it when our clients call or email us for a little support that’s outside the norm of bookkeeping. It tells us our clients don’t just see us as the people balancing the books, keeping on top of the bills and paying the wages – they see us as a trusted support team within their business network.
Engaging with other business owners and professionals can offer invaluable insights and different perspectives that can shift the needle of your business. Whether it’s colleagues in the same industry, your bookkeeper who understands your financials, or your business coach who has experience guiding various businesses to success, these interactions can open up new opportunities and solutions you might not have seen otherwise.
Take Time for Yourself
It’s crucial to cultivate family time and create memories with loved ones. My boys are teenagers who actually love to spent time with us as a family and our family philosophy is all about creating memories. So I think I’ve pretty much nailed this one! But it’s equally important to carve out time just for yourself. Personal time allows you to reconnect with your passions and recharge your mental and emotional batteries. This is one I struggle with too.
I used to be a professional pianist, but over the past year, I’ve just let myself get so “busy”, I’ve stopped playing. Recently, I decided to download some sheet music and start playing again. Initially, I was hung up on the fact that my skill level had dropped, but then I realised – who cares? I’m not playing in concert halls; I’m playing in my lounge room. The feeling I got from playing the piano and being in my own little bubble brought back so many wonderful memories and reminded me of the pure joy I receive from it.
Taking time for yourself helps clear your mind and reduce stress. Whether it’s a hobby, meditation, or simply going for a walk, these activities provide a mental break from business, allowing you to return with renewed focus and energy. Personal time often sparks creativity. Engaging in activities you love can lead to new ideas and innovative solutions for your business. When your mind is relaxed and free from business pressures, it becomes a breeding ground for creative thinking.
Balancing business and joy – work time, family time, and personal time – can sometimes feel overwhelming when you’re got priorities, deadlines, and people pulling you every which way. But it’s so important for reducing burnout, improving your relationships, and increasing your productivity when you are working. Remember, a well-rested and happy business owner is far more effective than a stressed and exhausted one.
Final Words
While business can be all-consuming, it doesn’t have to overshadow every other aspect of your life. By surrounding yourself with a supportive network, carving out family time, and taking time for yourself, you can maintain a healthy balance that not only benefits your personal well-being but also enhances your business success. Balancing business and joy is key to making this possible.
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PS. Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways we can help you eradicate financial stress in your accounting firm or professional services business – faster …
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- Get our book “Wow – I’m in Business! Your journey from overwhelmed to organised.” It’s full of insights, solutions and downloadable resources you can implement into your business immediately. Click here for your copy: Wow … I’m in Business! – Miss Efficiency
- Book a time with me privately and we’ll do a deep dive into your Xero file to help you optimise for cash flow, efficiency and growth. Click here to book: Book a time with Sarah