Thank you for completing our Business Deep Dive questionnaire. This enables us to really understand, beyond our initial conversation, where the gaps are in your business, where we can add some real value to you, and how we can help you achieve your business goals. Here’s what will happen next.
Making sure we’re a good fit
In order to have a good working relationship, it’s vital that we’re a good fit – we work with very specific types of clients and we want to make sure we’re a fit for you too. That’s part of the reason why we use a three-step process in providing our solution and proposal to you. This process gives us both the opportunity to evaluate each other before committing.
We’ll analyse your Business Deep Dive
You will have noticed our Business Deep Dive is designed to get you thinking about your business, beyond just data entry and bank reconciliations. It’s a great opportunity to think about what you really want to achieve in your business. And we’re here to help you work towards achieving those goals!
We’ll analyse the answers you submitted in the Business Deep Dive to come up with the solution we think will work best for you and in our next conversation we’ll demonstrate how this will add value to your business.
Presenting our proposal
Before you completed the Business Deep Dive we will have booked our next Zoom meeting which is when we’ll present our proposal to you. From our conversations so far and the answers you’ve provided, we’ll be very well placed to provide the best solution for you by that point. During that meeting I’ll discuss the main points of our evaluation, and go through our proposal with you. I’ll email you the link to our proposal and we can go through it together so that you can be fully informed, and can ask any questions that may arise.
We’re aware this may be a whole new situation for your business, and it’s important that you’re comfortable with our offering, and that we’ve got all the details right! This in an opportunity for us to demonstrate how we can address your biggest areas of concern and provide the most value to you. We know that a business isn’t static and things can change. So as your business evolves, so too does our service. Our partnership is all about being flexible and we can modify the services you need as your business needs change.
Accepting our proposal
Although we need to spend sufficient time to get to know the needs of your business, we still want the whole process to be as efficient as possible. This is why we use an online proposal system. You’ll receive our proposal via email and we’ll go through it together over a Zoom meeting. If you’re happy to proceed you can sign and accept it directly on the screen and we can start the ball rolling straight away.
If anything else crops up between now and our next meeting, please do not hesitate to reach out.